December 17, 2010

Open Doors all Around Me

Can I just say how crazy these last couple of days have been?

I've been working on:
  • a class schudele
  • a place to live
  • getting my car checked out
  • transportation/travel plans
  • work schedules
  • holiday shopping
  • remaining sane
To say the least, things have certainly been crazy around here, but God answered so many prayers and opened so many doors. When I first came home, I was kinda lost at what would be next for me. But God opened a door, one by one, and showed me what was next for me. And now, everything is in place and I can finally relax a little bit before my life gets crazy again with moving back to Oregon.

I am so excited! I spent some time yesterday talking to my new adviser at OSU. She was so helpful and I found out while talking to her that she is a Christian, too! That was so comforting. And while at OSU, I can take different dance classes, and experience so many different things. Wow. Why I spent so much time at Corban, I don't know. But God clearly is leading me to OSU.

Life's a journey. What can I say?
The Lord is the everlasting God
The creator of all the Earth
He never grows weak or weary
No one can measure the depths of His understanding
He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless
...Even youth will become weak and tired
And young men will fall in exhaustion
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength
They will soar high on wings like eagles
They will run and not grow weary
They will walk and not faint.

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