July 21, 2012

This is home

Last weekend, I went camping with the all church campout at Southside Beach. Deanie and I took a little walk down to the beach and squeaked all over the Newport sand.
It was a really great weekend. It felt so wonderful to be surrounded by loving friends once again. This community is something I really prayed for and I am aware of how God is answering prayers all around me right now.
This last week was so great. I am finally beginning to FEEL God's presence in my life again. I attended Grace City last Sunday and heard a very impactful message about prayer: The Lord's Prayer. Seth is diving into this common prayer in a new way and it is so cool to hear and realize what those words really mean. This is a really big deal because at Kidder Creek I felt really weighed down by the world and many other things. I have been really reveling in my God time each morning, and it had really made a difference in my walk with Him. 

This week I got to go on a great date with my favorite guy. We walked around downtown and had yummy gelato. Greg got hazelnut and I got dark chocolate and raspberry. SO good.

Friday morning, Deanie and I drove up to Portland. She dropped me off at Brynn's new apartment in Lake Oswego and then kept driving up to Seattle. Brynn, her dad and I jumped in the car and started our drive up to Enumclaw, Washington to go to Creation Festival. We had VIP passes and tickets to see Tenth Avenue North and Switchfoot. Also, Brynn finally moved back out here, so I was SOOO beyond excited to see her!
our fab dinner of chilly cheese fries. YUM
Washington Summer/rainy concert
I love Christian concerts. There is something just absolutely beautiful about that many believers together in one place worshiping our Creator. One of the guys from Tenth Avenue North told a story about why we raise our hands in worship. He told the story of how his daughter puts her arms up when she wants to be picked up by her dad. When we lift our hands in worship, it is a surrender, but it is also a recognition of being completely broken and wanting to be picked up by our Father. That was so touching and I loved hearing it put that way. Cuz let's be honest people: sometimes raising your hands is just a little awkward.
Blue & White Stripes: It's a Sara(h) thing
                                                                                                           We finally got back to Lake Oswego around 2:30am or so. The next morning, bright and early at 8am, Brynn took me to Molalla to drive down to Corvallis with Sara. We FINALLY got to chat about how we've been doing and whatnot. I love this girl. Really really love her. There are some people who just seem like family, and this girl, shes one of them. We went to the beach today with a bunch of buddies. The wind was absolutely crazy today, but the weather was soooooo beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky and it was so warm, which is so rare on the Oregon coast!
This guy makes me smile. A WHOLE lot
Then we decided to do some awesome heel-clicks. RUN....1-2-3-JUMP
Me, Kyle, and Peter

We also got to see some of the dock from Japan that washed up on our shore in Oregon. The weirdest part is that this giant  block of cement floated all the way from Japan!
We did a little squishing in the sand. I think Sara won-she got so deep in the sand!

When Switchfoot played "this is home" at the concert, tears welled up in my eyes. I am so happy to be home.

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