December 29, 2011

A little of this, a little of that

When the term was over, a few of my friends and I who were left in Corvallis went out to the Peacock.
Aubrey, Nakalan, me, Rose, and Janae
Me, Rose, and Janae
Listening to Rose Karaoke!

Yummy Red Drinks with a little jello with Nae.

Then while I was in San Jose, I got to spend some time with some lovely friends from high school.
Us in High School. What BABIES we were! 
Me, John, and Angela (classic foot-pop of course!)   

Connor, Me, John, and Angela all grown up and older. 
Angela and I having Pizza at Z-Pizza in Mountain View
 So weird, but I'm thankful these people are still in my life. It was good to catch up with them, remissness a little, and just spend some time with good people laughing our brains out playing telephone pictionary.

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