February 9, 2012

I'm out of clever titles

I've decided I'm happy.

I'm happy without you. Yeah, I miss you. But I don't need you. I don't like who you've become and the way you live your life. Who knows? Maybe you will change and we will find our paths crossing again one day. But for now? I don't care. I don't want it. I don't want you.

I still pray for you. I always will. I want you to know the Lord and to follow Him. I'll always love you and the time we spent together. Thank you for that.

"You know what I don't, so help me to let go. You're in control, so help me to let go" -Let go by Matt Hammitt

1 comment:

  1. Haha, wow, I commented on your Feb 7th post & I can also relate to this in regards to the same person! Except mine relates to someone who was in my life 3-5 years ago. The 1st part of the 4th sentence that couldn't be my exact words!
