January 8, 2012

It is truly amazing the way God uses the baggage, the ugliness, the dirt from your life to bless, encourage, and love others. The way God takes dust and makes it beautiful. After a long conversation with a friend today, I am left amazed. Amazed that my sin, my mistakes, and my regrets brought her comfort, hope, and encouragement. I cannot say enough how amazing my Father is and the way He works.

God, thank you for taking me down the roads you have taken me. Although I cannot always see the purpose or the outcome, I know you have a bigger plan and I will forever put my trust in you. Thank you for letting me see a glimpse of how you are using me and my story. Thank you for answering my prayer.

“I don't always knew where this life is going. I can't see the end of the road, but here is the great part: Courage is not about knowing the path. It is about taking the first step. It is about Peter getting out of the boat, stepping out onto the water with complete faith that Jesus will not let him drown.”- Katie J. Davis

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said what you said any better myself. It is so true how the trials and sins we experience in life are sometimes used to help others through times in need. Even through all the ups and downs God knows the outcome and he is by our side through it all. :)
